Be Truth Seeking

Mitch at Chasing Hills
1 min readApr 7, 2021

Possibly one of the most important things we can teach our kids is to seek the truth. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a question of science, politics, religion or another topic, all the biggest issues in life will need to be analyzed and figured out by the individual.

How do we do this? We must first start by seeking truth ourselves. Examining data, using logic and recognizing when something is objective or subjective.

Being open to discussing or debating topics with other people we may disagree with is a good way to both help us shape our opinions and understand the perspective of the other person.

Two important implications here: First, we have a relationship with the person that is strong enough to withstand a discussion of this sort. Second, afterwards we walk away with that relationship still being intact. Meaning we didn’t get angry and burn any bridges. This is also a great way to put a real human behind an opposing viewpoint and prevent us from anonymously vilifying the whole other side.

And sometimes we just need to be ok with agreeably disagreeing, which unfortunately right now feels radical.



Mitch at Chasing Hills

The guy behind, which is a site that sits at the intersection of fatherhood and adventure, with a very generous definition of “adventure.”